
Sa., 1. März. 2025
1 Termin à 345 min
Abgelaufene Events


12:00 - 17:45



Preis pro Person

€ 55 - 2 Workshops
€ 90 - 4 Workshops


Saal: erst.werk

Ort 2

Saal: blau.werk

WCS Workshop | Larisa Tingle Day

Samstag, am 1. März 2025 ist es soweit! West Coast Swing Champion-Tänzerin LARISA TINGLE aus den USA ist bei uns zu Gast. Wir freuen uns riesig euch einen Workshop-Tag anbieten zu können. Kommt vorbei und lernt von Larisa! Es wird insgesamt vier Workshops geben, eingeteilt in zwei Levels.

Level 1: Du tanzt WCS seit mindestens einem halben Jahr und kannst alle Basic-Figuren sicher tanzen.
Level 2: Du tanzt seit mindestens zwei Jahren WCS und/oder hast bereits bei Competitions mitgemacht.

Falls du unsicher bist, in welchem Level du tanzen möchtest, schreib uns gern unter tanzen@werk36.de.

Stundenplan / Schedule:

12:00 – 13:00 Level 1: Clarity of Movement – Exploring our personal mechanics from the ground up.
13:15 – 14:15 Level 1: Song Structure + Musicality – What makes up a song and how that influences our choices as a leader and follower
14:15 – 15:30 Mittagspause / Social Dancing / Practice Time
15:30 – 16:30 Level 2: Spin Technique for Everyone – How to create balanced controlled spins in our own bodies and how to lead them
16:45 – 17:45 Level 2: Hitches, Delayed Ones, and Accelerations – How rhythm changes can create big energy changes

Preise pro Person: 2 Workshops: 55 € | 4 Workshops: 90 €

Die Anmeldung ist sowohl paarweise (eine Anmeldung pro Paar genügt), als auch allein möglich.

Um Leader- und Follower-Anmeldungen ausgleichen zu können, kommen Solo-Anmeldungen automatisch zuerst auf die Warteliste und werden dann bestätigt, sobald sich jemand für die jeweils andere Rolle angemeldet hat.



Exciting news!! On Saturday, 1 March 2025, West Coast Swing Champion-Dancer LARISA TINGLE from the USA is visiting! We are happy to present you a day full of workshops. Join us and learn from Larisa! There will be four workshops, separated in two different Levels.

Level 1: You have danced WCS for at least half a year and are comfortable with all the basic patterns.
Level 2: You have danced WCS for at least two years and/or are already competing in Jack & Jill competitions.

If you are unsure which level you should join, feel free to e-mail us. You can either register as a couple (one registration per couple is enough) or alone. To make sure the workshops are balanced, all solo-registrations will first be on a waiting list. Your registration will be confirmed as soon as someone dancing the other role has registered as well.

stdClass Object ( [ID] => 49156 [data] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 49156 [title] => WCS Workshop | Larisa Tingle Day [content] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 49156 [post_author] => 3 [post_date] => 2025-01-10 12:15:04 [post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-10 12:15:04 [post_content] => <div class="item column small-7 eo-cal-color-hellblau first last even"> <div class="eo-cal-level eo-cal-level-0 column small-7"> <div class="eo-cal-level eo-cal-level-0 column small-7"> <div class="eo-cal-level eo-cal-level-0 column small-7"> <div class="eo-cal-level eo-cal-level-0 column small-7"> <div class="eo-cal-level eo-cal-level-0 column small-7"> <div class="eo-cal-level eo-cal-level-0 column small-7"> <strong>Samstag, am 1. März 2025</strong> ist es soweit! <strong>West Coast Swing Champion-Tänzerin LARISA TINGLE</strong> aus den USA ist bei uns zu Gast. Wir freuen uns riesig euch einen <strong>Workshop-Tag</strong> anbieten zu können. Kommt vorbei und lernt von Larisa! Es wird insgesamt vier Workshops geben, eingeteilt in zwei Levels. <strong>Level 1</strong>: Du tanzt WCS seit mindestens einem halben Jahr und kannst alle Basic-Figuren sicher tanzen. <strong>Level 2</strong>: Du tanzt seit mindestens zwei Jahren WCS und/oder hast bereits bei Competitions mitgemacht. Falls du unsicher bist, in welchem Level du tanzen möchtest, schreib uns gern unter <a href="mailto:amelie@werk36.de">tanzen@werk36.de</a>. <span style="color: #3b84e3;"><strong>Stundenplan / Schedule:</strong></span> <span style="color: #3b84e3;"><strong>12:00 - 13:00 Level 1</strong>: Clarity of Movement - Exploring our personal mechanics from the ground up. </span><span style="color: #3b84e3;"><strong>13:15 - 14:15 Level 1</strong>: Song Structure + Musicality - What makes up a song and how that influences our choices as a leader and follower </span><span style="color: #3b84e3;"><strong>14:15 - 15:30</strong> Mittagspause /<strong> Social Dancing</strong> / Practice Time </span><span style="color: #3b84e3;"><strong>15:30 - 16:30 Level 2</strong>: Spin Technique for Everyone - How to create balanced controlled spins in our own bodies and how to lead them </span><span style="color: #3b84e3;"><strong>16:45 - 17:45 Level 2</strong>: Hitches, Delayed Ones, and Accelerations - How rhythm changes can create big energy changes</span> <strong>Preise pro Person</strong>: 2 Workshops: 55 € | 4 Workshops: 90 € Die Anmeldung ist sowohl paarweise (eine Anmeldung pro Paar genügt), als auch allein möglich. Um Leader- und Follower-Anmeldungen ausgleichen zu können, kommen Solo-Anmeldungen automatisch zuerst auf die Warteliste und werden dann bestätigt, sobald sich jemand für die jeweils andere Rolle angemeldet hat. </div> ____ ENGLISH Exciting news!! On Saturday, 1 March 2025, West Coast Swing Champion-Dancer LARISA TINGLE from the USA is visiting! We are happy to present you a day full of workshops. Join us and learn from Larisa! There will be four workshops, separated in two different Levels. Level 1: You have danced WCS for at least half a year and are comfortable with all the basic patterns. Level 2: You have danced WCS for at least two years and/or are already competing in Jack & Jill competitions. If you are unsure which level you should join, feel free to e-mail us. You can either register as a couple (one registration per couple is enough) or alone. To make sure the workshops are balanced, all solo-registrations will first be on a waiting list. Your registration will be confirmed as soon as someone dancing the other role has registered as well. </div> <pre></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> [post_title] => WCS Workshop | Larisa Tingle Day [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => westcoastswing-workshop-larisatingle-010325-2 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2025-01-28 21:33:04 [post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-28 21:33:04 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://werk36.de/?post_type=mec-events&p=49156 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => mec-events [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [meta] => Array ( [_edit_lock] => 1738099860:3 [_edit_last] => 3 [mec_color] => fdd700 [mec_location_id] => 67 [mec_dont_show_map] => 0 [mec_organizer_id] => 226 [mec_read_more] => [mec_more_info] => [mec_more_info_title] => [mec_more_info_target] => _self [mec_cost] => € 55 - 2 Workshops | € 90 - 4 Workshops [mec_additional_organizer_ids] => Array ( ) [mec_additional_location_ids] => Array ( [0] => 84 ) [mec_date] => Array ( [start] => Array ( [date] => 2025-03-01 [hour] => 12 [minutes] => 0 [ampm] => PM ) [end] => Array ( [date] => 2025-03-01 [hour] => 5 [minutes] => 45 [ampm] => PM ) [comment] => [repeat] => Array ( [type] => daily [interval] => 1 [advanced] => [end] => never [end_at_date] => [end_at_occurrences] => 10 ) ) [mec_repeat] => Array ( [type] => daily [interval] => 1 [advanced] => [end] => never [end_at_date] => [end_at_occurrences] => 10 ) [mec_certain_weekdays] => Array ( ) [mec_allday] => 0 [one_occurrence] => 0 [mec_hide_time] => 0 [mec_hide_end_time] => 0 [mec_comment] => [mec_start_date] => 2025-03-01 [mec_start_time_hour] => 12 [mec_start_time_minutes] => 0 [mec_start_time_ampm] => PM [mec_start_day_seconds] => 43200 [mec_end_date] => 2025-03-01 [mec_end_time_hour] => 5 [mec_end_time_minutes] => 45 [mec_end_time_ampm] => PM [mec_end_day_seconds] => 63900 [mec_repeat_status] => 0 [mec_repeat_type] => [mec_repeat_interval] => 1 [mec_repeat_end] => [mec_repeat_end_at_occurrences] => [mec_repeat_end_at_date] => [mec_advanced_days] => Array ( ) [mec_in_days] => [mec_not_in_days] => [mec_hourly_schedules] => Array ( ) [mec_booking] => Array ( [bookings_limit_unlimited] => 0 [bookings_limit] => [roles_discount_administrator] => [roles_discount_editor] => [roles_discount_author] => [roles_discount_contributor] => [roles_discount_subscriber] => [roles_discount_backwpup_admin] => [roles_discount_backwpup_check] => [roles_discount_backwpup_helper] => [roles_discount_translator] => [roles_discount_customer] => [roles_discount_shop_manager] => [bookings_all_occurrences] => 1 [bookings_all_occurrences_multiple] => 1 [show_booking_form_interval] => [stop_selling_after_first_occurrence] => 0 [auto_verify] => global [auto_confirm] => global [last_few_tickets_percentage_inherit] => 1 [last_few_tickets_percentage] => 15 [thankyou_page_inherit] => 1 [booking_thankyou_page] => [booking_thankyou_page_time] => 2000 [bookings_user_limit_unlimited] => 0 [bookings_user_limit] => ) [mec_tickets] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [name] => Anmeldung [ticket_start_time_hour] => 08 [ticket_start_time_minute] => 30 [ticket_end_time_hour] => 06 [ticket_end_time_minute] => 0 [description] => [private_description] => [price] => [price_label] => [limit] => [unlimited] => 1 [minimum_ticket] => [stop_selling_value] => 0 [stop_selling_type] => day [dates] => Array ( ) [ticket_start_time_ampm] => AM [ticket_end_time_ampm] => PM ) ) [mec_fees_global_inheritance] => 1 [mec_fees] => Array ( ) [mec_ticket_variations_global_inheritance] => 1 [mec_ticket_variations] => Array ( ) [mec_reg_fields_global_inheritance] => 0 [mec_reg_fields] => Array ( [5] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => name [label] => Nachname ) [7] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => mec_email [label] => Deine E-Mail-Adresse ) [:i:] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => p [label] => I agree with %s [mapping] => [ignore] => 0 [page] => 14201 [status] => checked [content] => ) [:fi:] => Array ( [options] => Array ( [:i:] => Array ( [label] => ) ) ) ) [mec_bfixed_fields] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => text [label] => first name ) [2] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => text [label] => last name ) [3] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => email [label] => e-mail ) [4] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => tel [label] => phone ) [5] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => text [label] => street and number ) [6] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => text [label] => zip code & city ) [7] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => text [label] => country ) [8] => Array ( [type] => p [content] => <h4 class="mec-frontbox-title" style="font-size: 15px">Tanzpartner*in</h4> ) [9] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => radio [label] => dance partner [options] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [label] => please help me to find a dance partner ) [2] => Array ( [label] => I have a dance partner ) ) ) [35] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => radio [label] => I want to dance as a [options] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [label] => Follower ) [2] => Array ( [label] => Leader ) [3] => Array ( [label] => I don't care ) ) ) [10] => Array ( [type] => p [content] => ) [15] => Array ( [type] => p [content] => <script> var radio = jQuery('.mec-book-bfixed-field-radio').find('input'); var radioPartner = jQuery(radio[1]); var radioSolo = jQuery(radio[0]); var inputsPartner = [ jQuery('div[data-field-id="13"]'), jQuery('div[data-field-id="14"]') ]; var inputsSolo = [ jQuery('div[data-field-id="11"]'), jQuery('div[data-field-id="12"]') ]; radioPartner.change(() => { if (radioPartner.prop('checked')) { for (var inp of inputsPartner) { inp.css({"max-height":"7rem"}); } for (var inp of inputsSolo) { inp.css({"max-height":"0"}); } jQuery('div[data-field-id="35"]').css({"max-height":"0"}); } else { for (var inp of inputsPartner) { inp.css({"max-height":"0"}); } for (var inp of inputsSolo) { inp.css({"max-height":"7rem"}); } jQuery('div[data-field-id="35"]').css({"max-height":"10rem"}); }}); radioSolo.change(() => {if (radioPartner.prop('checked')) { for (var inp of inputsPartner) { inp.css({"max-height":"7rem"}); } for (var inp of inputsSolo) { inp.css({"max-height":"0"}); } jQuery('div[data-field-id="35"]').css({"max-height":"0"}); } else { for (var inp of inputsPartner) { inp.css({"max-height":"0"}); } for (var inp of inputsSolo) { inp.css({"max-height":"7rem"}); } jQuery('div[data-field-id="35"]').css({"max-height":"10rem"}); }}) // Corona Code /* radioPartner.trigger('click'); radioSolo.attr('disabled', true); radioSolo.parent().css('text-decoration', 'line-through'); */ </script> ) [13] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => text [label] => dance partner first name ) [14] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => text [label] => dance partner name ) [36] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => email [label] => e-mail partner ) [16] => Array ( [type] => p [content] => <h4 class="mec-frontbox-title" style="font-size: 15px"></h4> ) [37] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => checkbox [label] => Booking Workshop [options] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [label] => LEVEL 1 (2 Workshops) ) [2] => Array ( [label] => LEVEL 2 (2 Workshops) ) [3] => Array ( [label] => LEVEL 1+2 (4 Workshops) ) ) ) [18] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => checkbox [label] => How did you find your way to this event? [options] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [label] => website ) [2] => Array ( [label] => social media ) [3] => Array ( [label] => teacher ) [4] => Array ( [label] => friends ) [5] => Array ( [label] => I am an ultimate westie ) ) ) [19] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => textarea [label] => News to weRK36 ) [22] => Array ( [type] => p [content] => <h4 class="mec-frontbox-title" style="font-size: 15px"></h4> ) [26] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => agreement [label] => dummy [page] => 10610 [status] => unchecked ) [21] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => agreement [label] => We accept the %s. [page] => 49157 [status] => unchecked ) [23] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => agreement [label] => I have read the German %serklärung. [page] => 14280 [status] => unchecked ) [29] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => text [label] => Event Enddatum ) [30] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => text [label] => Event Anzahl ) [31] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => text [label] => Event Dauer ) [32] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => text [label] => Event Zeit ) [33] => Array ( [mandatory] => 0 [type] => text [label] => Fee ) [28] => Array ( [type] => p [content] => <script> let data = jQuery('#werk-event-data'); let time = jQuery('#werk-event-time'); jQuery('.mec-book-bfixed-field-text[data-field-id="29"]').find('input').val(data.attr('data-event-end')); jQuery('.mec-book-bfixed-field-text[data-field-id="30"]').find('input').val(time.attr('data-event-count')); jQuery('.mec-book-bfixed-field-text[data-field-id="31"]').find('input').val(time.attr('data-event-duration')); jQuery('.mec-book-bfixed-field-text[data-field-id="32"]').find('input').val(data.attr('data-event-starttime')+' - '+data.attr('data-event-endtime')); jQuery('.mec-book-bfixed-field-text[data-field-id="33"]').find('input').val(data.attr('data-event-cost')); </script> ) [:i:] => Array ( [mandatory] => 1 [type] => p [label] => I agree with %s [ignore] => 0 [page] => 14201 [status] => checked [content] => ) [:fi:] => Array ( [options] => Array ( [:i:] => Array ( [label] => ) ) ) ) [mec_op] => Array ( ) [mec_fields] => Array ( [1] => ) [mec_event_status] => EventScheduled [mec_moved_online_link] => [mec_cancelled_reason] => [mec_display_cancellation_reason_in_single_page] => [slide_template] => default [_wp_old_slug] => swing-lindy-hop-level-a [mec_timezone] => global [mec_countdown_method] => global [mec_public] => 1 [mec_currency] => Array ( ) [mec_event_date_submit] => 20220331142301 [_last_editor_used_jetpack] => classic-editor [event_past] => 1 ) [mec] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1778 [post_id] => 49156 [start] => 2025-03-01 [end] => 2025-03-01 [repeat] => 0 [rinterval] => [year] => [month] => [day] => [week] => [weekday] => [weekdays] => [days] => [not_in_days] => [time_start] => 43200 [time_end] => 63900 ) [time] => Array ( [start] => 12:00 [end] => 17:45 [start_raw] => 12:00 [end_raw] => 17:45 [start_timestamp] => 1740830400 [end_timestamp] => 1740851100 ) [hourly_schedules] => Array ( ) [tickets] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [name] => Anmeldung [ticket_start_time_hour] => 08 [ticket_start_time_minute] => 30 [ticket_end_time_hour] => 06 [ticket_end_time_minute] => 0 [description] => [private_description] => [price] => [price_label] => [limit] => [unlimited] => 1 [minimum_ticket] => [stop_selling_value] => 0 [stop_selling_type] => day [dates] => Array ( ) [ticket_start_time_ampm] => AM [ticket_end_time_ampm] => PM ) ) [color] => fdd700 [permalink] => https://werk36.de/anmeldung/westcoastswing-workshop-larisatingle-010325-2/ [thumbnails] => Array ( [thumbnail] => [thumblist] => [gridsquare] => [meccarouselthumb] => [medium] => [large] => [full] => [tileview] => ) [featured_image] => Array ( [thumbnail] => [thumblist] => [gridsquare] => [meccarouselthumb] => [medium] => [large] => [full] => [tileview] => ) [tags] => Array ( [130] => Array ( [id] => 130 [name] => Club ) [135] => Array ( [id] => 135 [name] => Event ) [134] => Array ( [id] => 134 [name] => Workshop ) ) [locations] => Array ( [84] => Array ( [id] => 84 [name] => Saal: blau.werk [address] => [latitude] => 0 [longitude] => 0 [url] => [thumbnail] => ) [67] => Array ( [id] => 67 [name] => Saal: erst.werk [address] => [latitude] => 0 [longitude] => 0 [url] => [thumbnail] => ) ) [categories] => Array ( [91] => Array ( [id] => 91 [name] => West Coast Swing ) ) [labels] => Array ( [116] => Array ( [id] => 116 [name] => Workshop [color] => #00a508 [style] => ) ) [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [label] => Zusätzliche Infos [value] => ) ) [filter] => raw ) [dates] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => Array ( [date] => 2025-03-01 [hour] => 12 [minutes] => 0 [ampm] => PM [timestamp] => 1740830400 ) [end] => Array ( [date] => 2025-03-01 [hour] => 5 [minutes] => 45 [ampm] => PM [timestamp] => 1740851100 ) [allday] => 0 [hide_time] => 0 [past] => 1 ) ) [date] => Array ( [start] => Array ( [date] => 2025-03-01 [hour] => 12 [minutes] => 0 [ampm] => PM [timestamp] => 1740830400 ) [end] => Array ( [date] => 2025-03-01 [hour] => 5 [minutes] => 45 [ampm] => PM [timestamp] => 1740851100 ) [allday] => 0 [hide_time] => 0 [past] => 1 ) )